tisdag 7 februari 2012

Six feet under, citat om livet

För er som missat serien Six Feet Under, kan jag bara beklaga sorgen och samtidigt glädjas med er åt vad ni har kvar att se fram emot.
   Jag ska inte fördjupa mig i seriens karaktärer och budskap och allt vad det är, utan bara helt enkelt rada upp ett helt gäng underbara dialoger. Ni som sett den kan kanske placera vem som sagt vad och i vilket sammanhang, ni andra får väl gilla det ni gillar och strunta i resten. För att det inte ska bli för mycket, kommer citaten i detta inlägg att fokusera på döden kontra livet. Typ. Något jag lägger onödigt mycket tid på att fundera över.

Nathaniel Sr.: So many questions. Why couldn't you ask 'em when I was still alive? It's okay, I couldn't answer most of them anyway, unlike now. Now I'm a fucking prophet.
Nate: All right.
Nathaniel Sr.: Think I'm kiddin,' buddy boy? That's one of the perks of being dead: you know what happens after you die – and you know the meaning of life.
Nate: That seems fairly useless.
Nathaniel Sr.: Yeah, I know – life is wasted on the living.
Nate: Could've told me you were proud of me.
Nathaniel Sr.: Never around for me to tell, which is exactly what I was proud of you for. Therein lies your Catch-22.
Nate: So what's the meaning of life?
Nathaniel Sr.: You really wanna know?
Nate: I don't know. Will it fuck me up if I do?

Tracy Montrose: Why do people have to die?
Nate: To make life important.

Nate[as imagined by Brenda] I'm just saying you only get one life. There's no God, no rules, no judgments, except for those you accept or create for yourself. And once it's over, it's over. Dreamless sleep forever and ever. So why not be happy while you're here. Really. Why not?

Gabe: Life just wasn't the right environment for me.

Nate: I really thought I had like this profound revelation. Fuck, if this isn't what I'm supposed to be doing with my life, then what is?
Brenda: Living it. And you are doing that, so relax.  

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